
Best Customize IVR Solution in Canada | Asteriskservice

Institutions and enterprises in Canada seek to reduce costs and dependence on manpower and yet provide an excellent customer experience. IVR is one way to provide self service but how it is designed and implemented can have direct bearing on the containment rate. Callers would like to resolve issues with this feature. At the same time, badly designed and implemented IVRs more often result in churn rather than satisfaction. Each business and institution’s needs are different and there is a need to customize IVR solutions for Canadian users. Different users, different needs Professionals: Primary purpose is to let callers fix appointments and for professionals to keep track of appointments made through the IVR solution in Canada . Hotels and hospitality: Requirements can be quite complex calling for custom IVR solution to handle everything from offering information on hotels and rooms to tariffs, bookings and then a variety of services for in-hotel

Best Hotel IVR Solution in Canada | Asteriskservice

The hotel and hospitality sector in Canada is growing with 75% of visitors primarily from the US. People visit Canada for tourism and for business. The industry generates over $ 40 billion and employs 305000 people across 8253 establishments. Hotels in Canada need to stay on top and offer the best possible service with excellent communication infrastructure in order to deliver an above average customer experience. Hotel IVR solution for Canadian hospitality resolves quite a few challenges that hotels and customers face. The Ideal Hotel IVR solution The ideal Hotel IVR solution would be tailored to suit each hotel’s specific way of operating and customer expectations in self service. Customization that factors in expectations of customers leads to development of the best hotel IVR that includes all possible features at different points of the customer journey such as: The primary level : This is the stage at which a customer wants to know about rooms, loc

Optimize Your IVR and Enhance Customer Experience

It is easy to put an IVR system in place. You call in a vendor and explain your requirement. The IVR developer creates a menu for the system and that is that. Customers use the IVR, listen to a long-winded message and are offered choice of key presses. They press one key and that leads to another set of options. Customer rage and frustration mounts. His time is wasted and his problem remains unresolved. It is no wonder that IVRs can lead to customer churn. Smart enterprises optimize IVR all the time based on feedbacks and analytics. Otherwise, what is supposed to be a self service system can be potentially harmful. Analyze IVR to optimize it A generic IVR solution rarely works from the customer perspective. What does your customer want when he dials a number that leads to an IVR? You get the answer through constant, ongoing analytics of the customer journey. A few things one can do to optimize IVRs: Keep menu options short Offer backtracking to

5 Compelling Asterisk IVR Features You Cannot Afford To Miss

Today, IVR solutions are in great demand. This one solution has made the life of a human operator easy and productive. No more stretching of work hours and lose the charm of their job. IVR is a voice prompt that automates the daily and repeated tasks of the end-user. For instance; pay utility bills, fetch information related to various product and its queries, it is used for every small task eliminating the daily long queues of customers and reducing their physical activities. No wonder, IVR is a bliss for various companies irrespective of their business size to improve customer experience. Not only it reduces the task of a human professional and increases his productivity but also provides a great satisfaction to customers with real time solution. IVR solution development has a wide array of enthralling features that pinpoint why companies should have this amazing automated machine. Call screening: It is enormously crucial to know who is calling

How Businesses Can Bet on Payment IVR Solution for Secure Transaction

Are you scared of online transactions due to the increase in number of cyber attacks? If this is the case, the blissful technology has already put an end to your worry. Yes, it is the fact. The advanced technology has brought an amazing solution helping you pay your utility bills or make transactions through phone system. Asterisk Payment IVR helps you pay bills following the usual procedure and verifying your 16 digit number through one-time password. Not necessary you need a landline, you can also make your payments using smartphones.  For instance: While shopping online you opted to make payment via IVR. The automated attendant provides you a couple of payment options: debit card or credit card. On selecting either of the options, the voice prompt verifies the 16 digit number via OTP sent to your mobile number. Once the OTP is verified, the transaction process completes. This ensures a safe transaction to customers without worrying of cyber crimes or any malwa

Ticket Booking IVR Solution and Business

  Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a technology that requires a telephonic input and touch- tone keypad. It eliminates the annoying manual process of booking tickets that involves long hours of standing in the queue and waiting for your turn. By deploying computer telephony integration, the IVR system is able to directly book the tickets without any human intervention. IVR ticket booking is an error-free, cost-effective ticket booking solution. The process of ticket booking through IVR is very simple and user-friendly. The benefits of ticket booking IVR solutions are listed as: Round-the-clock availability: Ticket booking IVR solutions deploy the technology and hosted by the server. Thus, the booking facility is available for your customers on a 24/7 basis. It allows the user to generate the ticket as and when needed. Also, your customers need not rush between the places for booking tickets, they can get it at their comfort. This im

Noteworthy Business Benefits of Custom IVR Solutions

IVR solutions can reduce the human efforts significantly by enabling the self-service for certain solutions. IVR technology uses touch-tone or speech-recognition programs to answer the customer’s questions, handle their requests, or point them in the right direction. With multi-level IVR, IVR response varies in accordance with the user response. IVR enables customers to serve themselves. IVR creator develops dynamic IVR solutions to handle multiple services simultaneously by enabling multi-level IVR solutions . It aims at decreasing the call rates and bringing effective solutions in the favor of businesses. Asterisk is an affordable business solution known for delivering the customized IVR solutions to boost the customer experience and company’s productivity. Primary benefits of the IVR solutions are listed below: Reduces human efforts: IVR solutions aim at reducing the human efforts at the affordable price. Irrespective of